How to connect my TP Link Smart Plug Switch to my home network?

TP Link Smart Plug is an impressive change that may be controlled by the Kasa App locally can . By the help of this plug, the user can make their home smart. It helps the user to command all intelligent devices like smart bulbs along with smart plugs. The installation is easy and configured with the smart devices through the Kasa Program. With the help of this change, the user may see if their connected devices are off or on. In addition, the user may control their entire home through any iOS or Android apparatus.

Within this guide, we've assembled the necessary steps regarding how to connect my TP Link Smart Plug Switch to my home community. But before we continue with the measures, have a look at the characteristics and specification of TP link smart plug.

Features & Specifications of TP link smart plug

TP Link Smart Plug has made it effortless for all users to schedule and take control over connected devices from smartphone. Before connecting the switch to the home network, check out the characteristics and specification of this intelligent plug.

  1. Control all apparatus through the free Kasa Program from a smartphone
  2. Use voice commands together with the smart plug and any Google Assistant, Alexa or even Microsoft Cortana.
  3. Installation the wise plug to turn ON and OFF devices at random periods while not being at home
  4. Create usage of grouping to combine the wise plug along with other Kasa Smart devices for easy control with one tap on your smartphone.
  5. The consumer may take control over their Kasa smart plug (switch ON or OFF mechanically ) while being at home or away with the Kasa clever program.
  6. It functions together with the Wi-Fi the user has in their house, no accessories are all needed.
  7. The user can assess whether the attached devices are ON or OFF from anyplace to get a reassurance.
  8. During the support of all TP Link Smart Plug, user can create ON/OFF programs, countdowns, timers or may set work about dawn and dusk.

Steps to connect Smart Plug Switch to Home Network

All users have been proposed to follow the steps as entitled below to connect TP Link Smart Plug Alter into Home Network.

Before starting the process

  • Download Kasa Smart from Google Play or App Store and then install it on the smartphone
  • Be Sure That the smartphone is linked with the house Wi-Fi network.
  • Additionally, plug in the TP Link Smart Plug into a power socket.

Procedure to configure Smart Plug through Kasa App

  • Firstly, start the Kasa App and then log in to the cloud accounts
  • Notice : When the consumer doesn't have an account then create an account. Then login to the Kasa app with the cloud account.
  • Following this, incorporate a smart plug on Kasa app. To add a device, tap (+) and"Add a Device" then click on the"Smart Plug."
  • Now follow the onscreen education on the Kasa app to turn on the house network.
  • Kindly connect the telephone with the Smart Plug Wi-Fi.
  • Now connect the Intelligent Twist to the House network.
  • Subsequently supply a name into the intelligent plug.
  • Now for this wise plug, customize an icon.
  • Following this, click on the Smart Plug icon, out that point, the user can configure the advanced settings.
  • Hit on the"Settings" to enter the interface of the"Apparatus Settings."
  • Click the"Name and Icon" to edit the name and icon of this smart plug
  • Click the"Apparatus Info" to check the basic information of the Wise plug

Once the TP Link Smart Plug gets configured through Kasa app, then the consumer can easily handle the connected devices.


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